[in-commerce] VAT Calculation and Invoicing
[in-commerce] VAT Calculation and Invoicing
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/60b03403de998323#
Hi guys,
Actually, the VAT in In-Portal is calculated in addition to the total price, stating that all prices are shown excluding VAT. This way to do is perfect for a B2B business, because they retrieve the added VAT in their accounting, but for individuals, at least in Europe, prices need to appears including VAT.
Until now, the workaround is to set all prices with VAT, and removing the field "VAT amount" from cart TPL, acknowledging that everything on the website includes VAT. Doing so, In-Commerce wasn't able to edit a correct Invoice, because of missing VAT amount.
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