Massive refactoring of "form_blocks.tpl" template

Massive refactoring of "form_blocks.tpl" template

Imported from: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/48777070d6467de9#

I have applied "design approach" to every form block in administrative console. This allows to use less HTML to create new blocks and even allow to use single table to place form blocks into 2 or more columns on same form. 

Additionally some small improvements were made:

  • each block now have "title_text" parameter, that allows to specify field title in plain text (before only phrases can be used via "title" parameter)
  • blocks "inp_label", "inp_edit_box" now have "after_text" parameter, that allows to specify text, that should be displayed after control (e.g.    measure unit after input field)
  • block "inp_edit_box" now can be used with FCKEditor
  • block "inp_edit_options" now also processes "style" parameter
  • block "inp_edit_checkboxes" now have "has_br" parameter, that allow to list each checkbox option at new line or one after another (as before)


I recommend this task for 5.1.1 release, since whole "form_blocks.tpl" template is changed from top till bottom and we'll have many issues when we'll try to merge it later from further release. 


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