Inappropriate "eval" usage in kBase::makeClass method (optimization)
Inappropriate "eval" usage in kBase::makeClass method (optimization)
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/21f5102cb136107e#
Method kBase::makeClass is calling ref_call_user_func_array no matter if he has only class name or class name + constructor arguments passed. This slows downs the things a little bit. I propose to use code, mentioned above, that was called from kFactory class to optimize things.
if ( func_num_args() == 1 ) { $class = new $real_class(); } else { $func_args = func_get_args(); $pseudo_class = array_shift($func_args); $class =& ref_call_user_func_array( Array ($real_class,'makeClass'), $func_args ); }