Meaning of "ReferrerURL" field in form submissions

Meaning of "ReferrerURL" field in form submissions

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/698a32f64163fe10#

In-Portal has nice "ReferrerURL" field in each form submissions (see Add "Unregistered only" field for forms (form submissions) discussion), that represents the page, that was visited before a "Contact Us" (or any other) form was submitted.

In this test scenario referrer will be correct:

  1. visitor have found a link to a contacts us form on other website
  2. clicked on it
  3. filled in all form and submitted it


However in this test scenario referrer will be incorrect:
  1. visitor have found a link to a contacts us form on other website
  2. clicked on it
  3. visitor browsed to other page on a website
  4. found a link to contact us form there
  5. filled in all form and submitted it


In this case referrer will be our own website and not that other website, that user have visited and found link ours website.

Am I correct in assuming, that 2nd test scenario should not fail too?

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