Location of Clean Cache (system/cache/clean.sh) script

Location of Clean Cache (system/cache/clean.sh) script

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/6af04df2ce74a492#

I had to do clearing of Templates Cache and was going to system/cache folder to execute the "clean.sh" script while 2 things crossed my mind:

1. Why do we keep "clean.sh" within system/cache folder while it's a clearly a Utility and should be located under tools/ folder where it belongs?

I see the following  benefits with moving it there:

  • all utility scripts should be moved to 1 location (ie. fix_perm.sh and so on)
  • don't have to have anything within system/cache folder that can NOT be deleted
  • shorter path to reach the script in ssh when typing.

2. Why not to give a better name once it's in tools/ folder - I don't think "clean.sh" is self explanatory by any means 

I propose - "clear_cache.sh".

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