In-Link Link Suggestion Form - v503 B1

In-Link Link Suggestion Form - v503 B1

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/2e21d04a2b492e6e#


in the actual link suggestion form, we can select categories where we would like the link to appear and I'd like to know:

  • how to select more than 2 categories, which is the actual limit
  • when selecting a link from the drop-down list, if this link is in a subdir, only link name will appear as "selected link", without parent dir (this is confusing when you have different categories which hold the same sub-categories name).

I had a look to the corresponding tpl (platform/elements/categories.elm.tpl line 65, if I've understoud well), but I didn't found how to help myself.

Thank you for your help.

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