Lang Export From Grids

Lang Export From Grids

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/17db087adf10c50b#

Hi guys,

we have a nice export tool, where we are able to define specific labels to export, as well as a nice grid for labels, where we can filter them using top grid filters. But when it comes to export a specific list, such as the result of a filtering, then there's no other solution than copy labels name manually, and then paste them into export window dedicated area (and spend a lot of time on this if it's about 100 labels).

I suggest to have a new toolbar button, where selected labels in grid view would fill the export window which would appear when pressing on it. I suggest the same for email events of course. This export should contains ONLY selected labels or events (actually, we can't get rid of currency list, as well as events, at least in 5.1.x).

What do you think?

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