Is content mode named "Browse Mode" really used?

Is content mode named "Browse Mode" really used?

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/a26e1d09063106f8#

In-Portal has 3 content modes:

   - Browse Mode - same as regular Front-end
   - Content Mode - ability to edit content blocks and translate phrases
   - Design More - ability to edit parts of templates and drag elements

By default "Browse Mode" is enabled, which actually doesn't make any sense,
since if admin wants to see how Front-end looks like, then he just can open
Front-end at another tab in same web-browser.

I think, that most people wants to change data on the site, when they are
visiting it through Admin Console and that's why "Content Mode" should be
enabled by default.

Also I really like that "Browse Mode" to be removed at all, since it doesn't
add any functionality and adds one more useless click for the user to really
start editing site contents.

Best Regards,
