In-browser code highlight [5.3.0-B1]

In-browser code highlight [5.3.0-B1]

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/d8f9b7df98dee69b#

In-Portal Design Mode allows to edit TPL files using CodePress as in-browser edit. It does it's job, but problem with it is obvious - it's doesn't have new releases, but web browsers are having new releases at least once per month. Right now this make it not working in Google Chrome.

Recently after installing new version of phpMyAdmin I've noticed that sql query textarea now has nice real-time highlighting to ease in sql writing. After digging a bit into it I found out that CodeMirror in-browser editor is behind all that.

Looking closely at developer's website I discovered that that editor has:

  • tons of languages supported
  • powerful JS API
  • custom CSS styling support

I think that we at least should replace CodePress in Design Mode and maybe find other powerful usage cases for this editor.

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