Improvements to "View Menu"

Improvements to "View Menu"

Imported from: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/15f31f23e15aaba5#

In-Portal has a "View Menu" almost on each of templates, that are used to display tabular data, e.g. grids/lists.

There was a lot of menu items in earlier versions of In-Portal, but right now there 3 menu items:

  • Select Columns - opens dialog window for rearranging grid columns (show/hide/move left/move right)
  • Auto-Refresh - will open submenu, where user can make grid auto-refresh periodically
  • Per Page - will open submenu to change row count that are simultaneously displayed in the list

Also when user changes filters, sorting or per-page, then they are stored into PersistantSessionData table to make sure that user will see current grid the same way he left it, when he logged-out from Admin Console. 

Depending on project specifics, where In-Portal is used there could be a grids with 100+ columns and 100+ rows that needed to be viewed at all times.

With such amounts of data user will need to change sorting/filters on a regular basis to inspect data from different view angles. In current implementation of grids there is no way so remember and then recall previously used filter set to speed up things.

I propose to add such feature as "view presets" (or any name that fits my further description of this feature). I'll explain below how it works.

  • user can have unlimited number of "view presets";
  • when user changes filter/sorting/per-page, then he can save that combination using meaningful name;
  • at any time user can switch grid to be displayed according to "view preset", that user have saved before;
  • all "view presets", that were created will be available in left menu under that section (hitting "+" will do an ajax query to retrieve them from database);
  • clicking on a section will open default "view preset"; clicking on a "view preset" will open/switch to clicked "view preset".

New "Save As" submenu will be added to "View Menu" (after separator maybe), that will allow to save/create "view presets":

- View Preset Name #1 
- View Preset Name #2 
- .... 
- View Preset Name #N 
- *Create New ...* 

Item "Create New ..." will prompt user to enter view present name to be created. After creating new "view present" corresponding menu tree node will be refreshed to show it. 

When user changes filters/sorting/per-page, then current view preset will be automatically switched to "Default", since it no longer will correspond any of presaved "view presets".

Main concept here is to create useful functionality with less interface change as possible.

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