Improvements to multi-input control
Improvements to multi-input control
Imported from: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/132474bf4ad4904c#
Can't really describe what multi-input control do, but you can see yourself at custom field editing screen, when adding/editing "select" type custom field.
I've made several improvements to that control to - INP-555Getting issue details... STATUS task and want to share them:
- ability to define "default" field value, which is used to reset field after adding/editing/cancel editing of record;
- ability to support "radio" type fields;
- ability to define unlimited number of filed properties in object-style notation (not set of parameters as before);
- ability to change any properties (except name of course) of registered in control fields in real-time (e.g. default value);
- "change" javascript event is called when value is changed automatically (not by user);
- ability to make individual records in control read-only (no editing/delete possible);
- "escape" function replaced with "encodeURIComponent", since it provides proper ending of "non-english" letters;
- in case if multiple fields in form contains an error, then all errors are shown as single "alert", not multiple ones as before;
- error about empty required fields are now shown using same style as other errors (with error field list);
- field name wasn't displayed in error message in case if "error_field" option was using in field declaration (in unit config);
- OnBeforeItemCreate/OnBeforeItemUpdate events were not called during ajax field value validation;
- Parameter "is_last" wasn't available in PredefinedOptions tag, making it impossible to list options as javascript object;
Most of changes are used in mentioned before task.