Refactoring, improvements to "E-mail Templates" section
Refactoring, improvements to "E-mail Templates" section
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/a63fbd759c791264#
Form has 2 variants:
- developer mode - some form part is visible in debug mode only
- administrator mode - only useful to end user functionality
Part 1
Refactor FromToUserId field this way (form layout):
- Manual Sender: [x]
- Sender: [____________] or [_________][user selector image] - visible when "Manual Sender" checkbox is used
- Manual Recipients: [x]
- Recipient Type: (*) To ( ) Cc ( ) Bcc - visible when "Manual Recipients" checkbox is used
- Recipient Name: [_____________________] - visible when "Manual Recipients" checkbox is used
- Recipient Email: [____________________] - visible when "Manual Recipients" checkbox is used
- Recipients: [ ....... ] - multi input control (like on custom field editing) - visible when "Manual Recipients" checkbox is used
Fields "Manual Sender" and "Manual Recipients" will be visible/changeable only in debug mode. All current email events will be converted this way:
- all email events will have "Manual Sender" checked
- email events sent to admin will have "Manual Recipients" checked
By default, when developer is adding new email event both "Manual" checkboxes will be checked.
Part 2
Add a way to edit ReplacementTags field
- Tag: [____________________]
- Replacement: [____________________]
- Replacement Tags: [ ....... ] - multi input control (like on custom field editing)
Part 3
Remove "E-mail Settings" section, that each module have, since it only duplicates "E-mail Templates" section.