Site domain specs and Improvments

Site domain specs and Improvments

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/a646e79c4c6834f6#

(based on this<http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/fceaac790c383560>,
and this<http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/39548a006271dc55>threads)

Hi guys,

Here is a resume of actual Sitedomain functions, and the suggestions already
made + new ones.

*Actual Specifications
*- configure multiple Domains that this website is running on
- sender's email for messages sent by system
- each domain can have a specific value for:
   - geo-location match - by IP or country (location)
   - primary theme (drop-down) + available themes
   - primary language (drop-down) + available languages
   - primary currency (drop-down) + available currencies
   - payement type(drop-down) + available currencies
   - available billing country (only 1)
   - available shipping country (only 1)

*Future things already on Mantis
*- specify which agents are allowed to be run on which site domains #883
- language specific ModRewrite URLs #638
- Domain-specific configuration variables #847

*Suggestions (new and old ones)
*- ability to select a default pricing group
- sitedomain drop-down on top of config pages
- root folder for each module, per site (or maybe available folders, via
checkboxes in a three view?)
- permission tag for tpl to select sitedomain access

*Things I'm not sure about*
- "user registered on" under User Account
- sitedomain order origin
- language order origin

Waiting for your comments !