Rebuild classmap in parallel [5.3.0-B1]

Rebuild classmap in parallel [5.3.0-B1]

One of the features in In-Portal 5.3.0 release is automatic filename detection, where each class/interface/trait is declared. This helps in following ways:

  • there is no need to specify "path" option any time new class is added (just run "in-portal classmap:rebuild" command in CLI)
  • for helper classes no need to specify anything (just run "in-portal classmap:rebuild" command in CLI)

The only downside is that when executed for the 1st time the "in-portal classmap:rebuild" command takes considerable amount of time (~1 minute) to run.

Proposing to use https://packagist.org/packages/console-helpers/process-iterator component I've made to run code in parallel processes.


  1. connect https://packagist.org/packages/console-helpers/process-iterator package
  2. create the "in-portal classmap:rebuild_file" command, that would take one file as input and echo back JSON with results
  3. after files, that needs to be checked are found use "ProcessIterator" class (from above added package) to:
    1. run 8 processes in parallel
    2. each process fould use "in-portal classmap:rebuild_file /path/to/file.php" command to process that file (or get data from cache)
    3. join result of sub-process with main result array
  4. store all back to disk

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