Please check how SSL stuff works [5.0.2]
Please check how SSL stuff works [5.0.2]
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/8a6bf00fdb44de9c#
Please check how SSL stuff works in 5.0.2 release. There following tricky places to check:
- redirect from http to https (both on same domain)
- redirect from https to http (both on same domain)
- redirect from http to https (on different domains)
- redirect from https to http (on different domains, e.g. http://other-site.com)
- redirect http/https and via versa from pages with additional prefixes, like product, order, user (for example user public profile page in ssl, but other site is not).
Last item should be checked in all mentioned above conditions. It's important to test that, because in 4.x versions wishlist page was in https and product details page was in http, so clicking on product from wish list got us to 404 page.