Reasons for Deny

Reasons for Deny

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/24ff936bdbd850dd#

Looking over the revisions functionality got me thinking about something

What do you guys think about standardizing Reasons for Denial in places
where there is a deny button. For example Orders, Users, Revisions, etc.

There could be a section in config where you could specify what those are
and when you press the Deny button in the toolbar we could have a pulldown
menu similar to view that allows to choose a reason for denial from a list
(an maybe a free text custom) that gets recorded as part of the record.

I've had many projects where this was requested by customers. For example,
when they deny an order, they want to be able to specify why by selecting a
predetermined reason:

For example:
Address does not validate
Credit card fraud suspected
Exceeds customer credit, etc....