Simple Test script for In-Portal automated tests

Simple Test script for In-Portal automated tests

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/df60dc16514eac2d#

I have recently came across the Testing script for PHP which is quite interesting, called Simple Test: http://simpletest.org/index.html

Besides standard test functionality - it also has ability to setup Web tests with quite simple but powerful browser options. Imagine you easily click on the links, submit any forms, work with frames and of course parse and analyze the output. While I am using it for different purpose I believe we can look into using for In-Portal tests, or even the ability to setup a In-Portal Personal Demo by letting it do the whole installation steps.

Full documentation is also included and it seems to be integratable with Eclipse.

Take a look and let me know what you think.