Resurrect "getUnitOption" and "setUnitOption" methods [5.3.0-B1]

Resurrect "getUnitOption" and "setUnitOption" methods [5.3.0-B1]

In the  INP-1203 - Getting issue details... STATUS  task the way of interacting with unit config data was changed from array-like to object-like, which:

  • deleted getUnitOption and setUnitOption methods
  • added getUnitConfig method

According to SemVer this is BC break (because of methods get removed) and will also break any modules that were not updated to use added method instead of removed ones.


  1. bring back getUnitOption and setUnitOption methods
  2. make them trigger the silenced (with @ operator) E_USER_DEPRECATED notice
  3. internally use getUnitConfig to do the job

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