Some ideas about phrases (vol 2)

Some ideas about phrases (vol 2)

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/b7864fa8b195891e#

In-Portal divided phrases into 3 groups:

   - front-end only
   - admin console only
   - used in both places

To add new form you need to:

   1. create new db tables/fields
   2. create form in admin console (with "la_fld_" phrases)
   3. create mostly same looking form on front-end (with "lu_fld_" phrases)

So you need to translate each field twice just to separate admin and
front-end phrases. Phrases have different prefix, since developer may want
to translate them a different way for front-end.

To ease the process I'm proposing to create "Copy To Front-end" button in
phrase list.
This button will take selected phrases and create new ones, where "la_" is
replaced with "lu_".

This is sort-of "populate" button in language list, that allows to translate
missing phrases using phrases, that are already translated.

Best Regards,
