[scheduled tasks] Cron reminder in "Agents" section

[scheduled tasks] Cron reminder in "Agents" section

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/5d86889779d53103#

In-Portal has 2 ways of running agents:

   - via cron (recommended)
   - after page is displayed to user

Right now setting to enable cron usage is located far away from agents
section. I'm proposing to add a hint to "Agents" section (like one in
"Change Logs" section), that would show a small dialog window, where sample
crontab lines are displayed, like this:

--- CUT HERE ---
[Enable Cron] [Disable Cron] - toolbar buttons

I have a UNIX-based server. How do I setup cron jobs?

Typically you will be able to setup your cron with the following format:
**/5 * * * * php /path/to/in-portal/tools/cron.php*

If your PHP executable is installed in a custom folder, you may need to
specify the PHP folder (such as /usr/local/bin/php) with your custom PHP
path in a following command:
**/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /path/to/in-portal/tools/cron.php*

If you are having trouble setting up the cron (or do not know the location
of PHP on the server) you can use the following format:
**/5 * * * * wget http://www.website.com/path/to/in-portal/tools/cron.php >
 --- CUT HERE ---

This would allow user to see how cron job should be added and manually
confirm/decline enabling of "Run Agents Through Cron" configuration setting.

Best Regards,
