[scheduled tasks] Scheduled task handling architectural changes [5.3.0-B1]

[scheduled tasks] Scheduled task handling architectural changes [5.3.0-B1]

The Scheduled tasks (previously called "regular events" and "agents") is one of the core In-Portal components, which allows to handle large data amounts asynchronously (through CRON on web server) without delaying any user-facing actions, like form submit on website and similar. Usually stuff, like e-mail sending is offloaded to CRON so that user won't see "loading ..." in the browser while we're attempting to contact the mail server.

We've experienced several problems with scheduled tasks in past, like:

  • hard to predict what scheduled task will be executed next (yes, we have "Scheduled Tasks" grid, but due lots of information displayed there it takes time to figure that out)
  • [system log, scheduled tasks] Logging ability for Scheduled Tasks - any output produced (e.g. what data being processed, what errors might have happened) by currently running scheduled task is not logged anywhere
  • all scheduled tasks are processed one after another and if one of them crashes, then all others won't be processed as well
  • no parallelization can be applied in scheduled task execution, because they gather data to process by themselves and therefore will basically process same data if tried to execute in parallel


  • Create "ScheduledTaskData" database table with following structure:
    • Id
    • TaskClass - scheduled task class 
    • TaskData - a set of data to be processed by scheduled task class mentioned
    • PlannedStartedOn - when scheduled task will be executed
    • StartedOn - when scheduled task executed was started (start time)
    • FinishedOn - when scheduled task finished executing (even in case of error)
    • CreatedOn - when task record was created
    • RegularOutput - any output made during task handling
    • ErrorOutput - any errors happened during task handling
    • Status - {1 - Not Started, 2 - Finished Successfully, 3 - Finished with Errors}
    • ProcessId - the PID of the process, that is handling (or was handling in past) this task
  • create an AbstractScheduledTask base class with following methods:
    • generate() - will collect data to be processed (e.g. DB record IDs or file paths on disk) and create a record in ScheduledTaskData table
    • process($task_data) - will process the given task data
  • sub-class AbstractScheduledTask for each current scheduled task
  • scheduled task handling would look like this:
    1. generate task data for all scheduled tasks
    2. start processing the tasks if any (preferable in separate processes, not forks) in parallel to handle incoming task pool

From UI point of view there will be several changes as well, because:

  • single scheduled task now has all it's execution attempts recorded and we need to be able to see them all, especially ones that failed
  • when there is no data to process we won't be incrementing "Last Run On" field in each scheduled task to indicate that it at least was executed but did nothing
  • since we'll generate several task data records per scheduled task upfront, when we can, then "Next Run On" column becomes irrelevant as well
  • past scheduled task runs without errors (e.g. more than 1 month old) can be deleted automatically as well
  • if the error happened during some scheduled task handling, then main scheduled task grid should clearly indicate that and maybe we need to send e-mail to admin as well

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