Proposing new "System Requirements Check" installation step

Proposing new "System Requirements Check" installation step

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/13531c79813f4c38#

We have already talked about this "System Requirements Check" here Installation fails on security step [5.0.1] but it didn't have it's own discussion and I think this topic deserves it so I am starting a new topic specifically for this. 

Basically, we are proposing to add a new step to the installation process, called System Requirements Check. This will be a very first step for new installation (before "Filesystem Check" step). The purpose of it is to make sure we ALL system requirements (server-side & client-side) are met before the installation can take place. Initially, we had an idea calling Prerequisites Check, but I have looked around and found that it's more complicated then it should be and Requirements word does is exactly what we need. We are ready to listen to more opinions on Naming this, of course so please don't hesitate to post them here.


I propose to have 2 table-like sections - one called Server-side Requirements, another Client-side Requirements. Each table will have something like "Setting Name" - [Passed] [Failed] next to it.

Settings to Check:

Server-side requirements

PHP version
MySQL version
Web-server (version or PHP installation?)
PHP extensions (need to list all)
PHP settings (require onces)

Client-side requirements:

Browser version
Cookies enabled
JavaScript enabled

Please review and post here. Also, keep in mind that we need to workout the final list of these settings so please post here.

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