Speed up kEvent class [5.3.0-B1]

Speed up kEvent class [5.3.0-B1]

The event methodology is the code of In-Portal and there are hundreds of kEvent class objects constructed during regular page run. Initially the kEvent class accepted 2 arguments:

  • $params - an array containing prefixspecial and name keys
  • $specific_params - additional parameters that are set within event

Over time more compact format was developed for value of $params argument, a string in following format: prefix.special:name. To be backwards compatible a decision was made to support both formats by placing IF statement in kEvent class constructor. In retrospective this was a bad idea, because:

  • all but 3 places are using new format now
  • the constructor has to check for old format on every call even if it almost never matches


  1. make kEvent class constructor accept only new format
  2. create static kEvent::fromArray method, that would support old invocation way if needed
  3. replace 3 places, that use old format with fromArray method call (or let them use new format)

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