Phrase "la_title_SystemToolsDeploy" translation lost during upgrade [5.3.0-B1]

Phrase "la_title_SystemToolsDeploy" translation lost during upgrade [5.3.0-B1]

In In-Portal 5.2.x upgrade translation of "la_title_SystemToolsDeploy" phrase is changed partially like so:

UPDATE LanguageLabels
SET l1_HintTranslation = REPLACE(l1_HintTranslation, '<li>This deploy script will reset all caches at once</li>', '<li>This deploy script will reset all caches at once.</li>\r\n<li>This deploy script will dump production assets.</li>\r\n')

However result of this SQL is completely replaced in In-Portal 5.3.x upgrade script:

UPDATE LanguageLabels
SET l1_HintTranslation = '<ul>\r\n<li>This deploy script will apply all Database Changes stored in <b><u>[module]/project_upgrades.sql</u></b> to the current website and save applied Revisions in AppliedDBRevisions.</li>\r\n<li>This deploy script will create all new language phrases by re-importing <b><u>[module]/install/english.lang</u></b> file.</li>\r\n<li>This deploy script will reset all caches at once.</li>\r\n</ul>'
WHERE Phrase = 'la_title_SystemToolsDeploy'; 


Replace above mentioned SQL with this equivalent, but safe sql during In-Portal 5.3.x upgrade:

UPDATE LanguageLabels
SET l1_HintTranslation = REPLACE(l1_HintTranslation, '<b><u>custom/install/english.lang</u></b>', '<b><u>[module]/install/english.lang</u></b>')

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