Review "Approve/Decline" label usage

Review "Approve/Decline" label usage

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-local/browse_thread/thread/53c22dd099f9ee40#

In-Portal has nice Approve (green hand) and Decline (red hand) toolbar
buttons all around the system. Problem is, that only user action on
Front-end can be approved/declined later by administrator in admin console.

For example what could mean Approve/Decline buttons in Agents list. I bet
naming them Enable/Disabled will make them more understandable.

Maybe there are other placed in the system, where incorrect naming is used.

Also PortalUser.Login field may need to be renamed to PortalUser.Username,
since "Login" is also a translation of a button on login form.

Best Regards,
