Keeping language packs from different languages in sync
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Here is some ideas how we can keep language packs from multiple languages synchronized with primary language pack for English language.
We invent such term as translatable unit. Units could consist of one or more fields (textareas) that could be translated. Also translatable unit will feature a Description field, that will tell translator, where exactly given text will be used, so translation could be more accurate and appropriate. Each translatable unit have unique identifier (phrase name for phrases and email event name + email event type for email events). Each translatable unit have version number (integer). Once primary language translation is updated or new translation unit is added, then it's version number is incremented.
When we perform translation of set of the translatable units (language pack) to other language, then each unit will keep it's version, version used to make initial translation). When primary unit translation (on English language) will be changed, then it's version number will changed and will differ from all other translated units in other language packs. This way we can detect translation units, that need to be updated to be in sync.
I suppose, that this will be some script on website. Each website user can register as "translator" for any count of languages so he'll get notified when his expertise is need to keep associated language pack in sync. Page with language packs will be automatically constructed based on finished translation for each language pack and translation progress bar will available for each language pack.
I'll try to look if something, that I've described is already available on the Internet, if not will write something myself.
Let me know If you have any ideas about this.