[debugger] Debugger is doing "stopPropagation" instead of "preventDefault" [5.2.1-RC1]

[debugger] Debugger is doing "stopPropagation" instead of "preventDefault" [5.2.1-RC1]

When debug mode is enabled in In-Portal then a debug information is collected while page is generated on server. Then a special JavaScript snippet is added to bottom of a page to indicate that debug information is available. Then user can press F12 to summon debugger window and Esc to close it.

It turns out that Debugger is preventing keydown event from bubbling up instead of preventing it's default action (show keypress on screen). This results in inability to catch F12/Esc key press for any other JavaScript on a same page, where debugger is present.

To fix a problem we need to prevent default action of keydown event when F12/Esc key was pressed.


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