Custom fields bug [5.0.2]

Custom fields bug [5.0.2]

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/4f12d26a1266bf5f#

I've tried Custom Fields for different modules and In-Portal itself, and I've found the following things:

  • radio button: when I choose "radio button", in-portal will display (while editing an item) a blank radio button, followed by the radio button we have created
  • multilingual field: I'm not sure if this is a bug, when I create an option with "multilingual field" checked, I have a translation icon appearing on item editing ( Ä ), and when I click on this icon, I have a pop-up window to translate something... what are we translating exactly here, as we can use a lang tag to display field name? And don't understand either that this translation is unique to each item... I'm confused (smile)

Related Tasks

INP-516 - Getting issue details... STATUS