[deployment] Show un-deployed revisions in "System Tools" section [5.3.0-B1]

[deployment] Show un-deployed revisions in "System Tools" section [5.3.0-B1]

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/d334e03e7bc28c10#

Section "Tools -> System Tools" have 2 buttons in it related to deploying process:

  • Synchronize - marks all non-deployed revisions deployed without actually deploying them (useful for revisions made by yourself, because it's SQLs are already executed manually)
  • Deploy - deploys revisions, imports language pack and rebuilds all sort of caches

However what if developer forgot to click on Synchronize button before doing an update from VCS and now have a mix of un-deployed revisions from his own and other developer made revisions. In such situation clicking on Deploy button will most likely cause SQL error if not worse.

I'm proposing to add more intel on "System Tools" page and display following:

  • Revision statistics (e.g. "Deployed 5 of 10 revisions")
  • List of not yet deployed revisions

Usually developers visit "System Tools" section at least once during task development and they will surely see that some revisions are required to be deployed. However they don't see if these revisions are made by them and are not yet commited to VCS or they came from other developers via VCS update.

Any ideas/suggestions?

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