Email event configuration management

Email event configuration management

Imported from: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/ef182a657872b11b#

If you ever had to add your own email event, you should know how painful and unclear is this process. You should add record to Events table, filling fields with values that you have to detect by looking into different places in code, database and administrative console interface. Then you proceed with opening every installed language, switching to Email Events tab, finding your event and entering content for it. It may sound not very complicated, but it takes a lot of time to deal with. 

Another instance is editing different email event translations at once. If you are site administrator, and, for example, you decide to add user password to emails that are sent after user registration, you have to edit all email event translations via opening every language, or at special E-mails section. But commonly site administrator wants to make analogic changes to emails, so it would be nice to edit all these translations on one single page.

So, I made the patch that adds E-mail Events section under Configuration -> Website. In section, you can find a grid and form - for adding and editing email event and it's translations - and all in one single edit form. Fields value options are present, so you don't need to search code to get to know what exact field value means. Also you can manage tag replacements there.

SQL file attached contains phrase translations for new added section. Patch also contains few minor issue fixes.



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