Create more control over sent emails

Create more control over sent emails

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/753364d08cd548eb#

We have engine, that allows to sent emails based on user actions throughout the system. Each email content can be directly specified for each language. In case if there is need to create common footer for all sent emails, that
site administrator could edit "COMMON.FOOTER" event content and place requested text there.

Such approach doesn't allow to style all sent emails (e.g. styles, images, etc.). I propose to create 2 multilingual fields in language record: HtmlEmailTemplate and TextEmailTemplate. Possible format of this variable could be:


Of course <inp2: style tags also could be allowed inside this template. Because of emails are sent from administrative console and from Front-End all paths to external resources like images, styles must be absolute. Contents of current COMMON.FOOTER event should be moved to TextEmailTemplate field in format "$body footer here".

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