Email Event Subcriptions

Email Event Subcriptions

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/edb7fe2518e798fb#

Another idea crossed my mind which I think would be very useful to have.

  1. We need flexible way of subscribing users to different types of actions. For example I wish to subscribe to receive an email when:
    1. New TOPIC is added to the Forum Category (now TOPIC.ADD event triggered) so it's CATEGORY level subscription.
    2. New POST is added to the TOPIC (now POST.ADD event triggered) so it's TOPIC level subscription.
    3. New CATEGORY is added
    4. Category is modified
    5. ANY type of resource that we have Event changed
  2. It can be managed in Admin (grid) or Front (separate forms/events needs to be programmed)
  3. Emails should be send out to all Users (BCC) once that particular Event / Action is triggered.

Here is the first layout of this table.

Table: EmailEventSubscriptions

  • SubscriptionId (auto-increment)
  • PortalUserId (from PortalUser table)
  • EventId (from Events table)
  • CategoryId (from Categories table, default NULL)
  • ResourceId (default NULL) ???
  • Prefix (default NULL) ???

I am not sure if users should receive THE same email event - which I guess they should since it's all connected to it, but at the same time if we look at the sample with POST.ADD event that is Send to the TOPIC Owner - they can UN-subscribe from Event and it will never be triggered and our Events (for subscribers BCC) won't get it too.

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