Link Comments are not showing up [5.1.1-B2]
Link Comments are not showing up [5.1.1-B2]
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/1f8419085ca8ca76#
I have submitted a Comment (old review) on the Front-end for a Link and it's perfectly fine except I do NOT see it in the Admin -> Comments grid.
Here is the SQL and looks like we get FALSE in WHERE which fails to return the list.
SELECT inp_ItemReview.*, (IF( ISNULL(pu.Login), IF (inp_ItemReview.CreatedById = -1, 'root', IF (inp_ItemReview.CreatedById = -2, 'Guest', 'n/a')), pu.Login )) AS `ReviewedBy`, (item_table.l1_Name) AS `CatalogItemName`, (item_table.LinkId) AS `CatalogItemId`,(ci.CategoryId) AS `CatalogItemCategory`, (inp_ItemReview.CreatedOn) AS `CreatedOn_date`, (inp_ItemReview.CreatedOn) AS `CreatedOn_time` FROM inp_ItemReview LEFT JOIN inp_PortalUser pu ON pu.PortalUserId = inp_ItemReview.CreatedById LEFT JOIN inp_Link item_table ON item_table.ResourceId = inp_ItemReview.ItemId LEFT JOIN inp_CategoryItems ci ON item_table.ResourceId = ci.ItemResourceId AND ci.PrimaryCat = 1 WHERE ((FALSE) AND (inp_ItemReview.ItemType = 4)) ORDER BY `inp_ItemReview`.`Priority` desc,`inp_ItemReview`.`CreatedOn` desc,`inp_ItemReview`.`ReviewText` asc LIMIT 0,11
Can anyone else repeat this?