Minor bug in DateField method
Minor bug in DateField method
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/a769df518e3a3dec#
I think there is a minor bug in "function DateField($params)" (part of DB tag processor).
// prepare phrase replacements $replacements = Array ( 'l' => 'la_WeekDay', 'D' => 'la_WeekDay', 'M' => 'la_Month', 'F' => 'la_Month', );
Should be:
// prepare phrase replacements $replacements = Array ( 'l' => 'la_WeekDay_', 'D' => 'la_WeekDay_', 'M' => 'la_Month_', 'F' => 'la_Month_', );
so the Language phrases are "la_Month_December" instead of "la_MonthDecember" which would be hard to read and understand that it's composed label.