<inp2:m_TemplatesBase /> and SSL

<inp2:m_TemplatesBase /> and SSL

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/bf453002d85ee5ef#

My admin is under SSL, and as such when I try to edit a content my page is not loaded correctly because the <inp2:m_TemplatesBase /> tag  I'm using to load the css and images is not accessing the content via SSL:

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href="<inp2:m_TemplatesBase />inc/css/navbar.css" />  

generates a non-ssl fully qualified URL when loaded inside the admin.  If I view the SSL-enabled pages on the front end, it does use https.  More I look at it, the more I think that if the admin panel is used via SSL, so should the content management (provided the html uses tags to build urls).

Is there a work around for this, or a better way to do this?

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