Email Event Subcriptions
Email Event Subcriptions
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/edb7fe2518e798fb#
Another idea crossed my mind which I think would be very useful to have.
- We need flexible way of subscribing users to different types of actions. For example I wish to subscribe to receive an email when:
- New TOPIC is added to the Forum Category (now TOPIC.ADD event triggered) so it's CATEGORY level subscription.
- New POST is added to the TOPIC (now POST.ADD event triggered) so it's TOPIC level subscription.
- New CATEGORY is added
- Category is modified
- ANY type of resource that we have Event changed
- It can be managed in Admin (grid) or Front (separate forms/events needs to be programmed)
- Emails should be send out to all Users (BCC) once that particular Event / Action is triggered.
Here is the first layout of this table.
Table: EmailEventSubscriptions
- SubscriptionId (auto-increment)
- PortalUserId (from PortalUser table)
- EventId (from Events table)
- CategoryId (from Categories table, default NULL)
- ResourceId (default NULL) ???
- Prefix (default NULL) ???
I am not sure if users should receive THE same email event - which I guess they should since it's all connected to it, but at the same time if we look at the sample with POST.ADD event that is Send to the TOPIC Owner - they can UN-subscribe from Event and it will never be triggered and our Events (for subscribers BCC) won't get it too.