[security] Using Fastwords for Passwords

[security] Using Fastwords for Passwords

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/81b66b3a9187bec7#

Hi guys,

please read here: http://www.fastword.me/ (doesn't work in 2024; use https://web.archive.org/web/20120328094616/http://www.fastword.me/ link to see the website version from 2012);

I find this article really interesting: It'd be very easy to create a new config option "use fastwords", with a dropdown to select between 2-9 fastwords as fastwords size.
On user password creation, instead of prompting for minimal "n" characters, we'd prompt for "n" minimal words".
We could also implement an hint feature, where we'd tell user the first word. Of course we'd need to arrange password storage, and keep first word in "clear", but as said in article, this doesn't compromise security.

And finally, from marketing point of view, we could be one of the first platform to offer such feature :)


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