Use HTML5 Source Maps in JavaScript

Use HTML5 Source Maps in JavaScript

Source Maps is a way, that allows a developer to debug minified JavaScript files in HTML5. More information can be found here: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/source-maps-101/.

While we're on it I recommend replacing YUI Compressor we're using currently JS minification with Google Closure Compiler, that is not only a modern JavaScript minifier, created and regularly improved by Google, but also a tool, that can generate Source Maps for minified JavaScript files as well.


We've recently (see  INP-1271 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) upgraded jQuery to 1.9.1 version, which has support for Source Maps, but we haven't added a source map, which results in following error in each reqest (in Google Chrome):

GET .../core/admin_templates/js/jquery/jquery.min.map 404 (Not Found)

I think we need to put that file in there as well (both Front-End and Admin Console).

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