Long text in the CMS-block
Long text in the CMS-block
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/950109cb7006179e#
In one project recently revealed the problem - the administrator has entered into CMS-block too long HTML. As a result, HTML was cut up to ~65000 characters, cutted up incorrectly, with a broken tag. Because of this the next time admin try to to open a CMS-block for editing - occurred js-error and the admin could not fix anything.
I propose to implement one of the following solutions:
- change the field type, which stores the text of CMS-block in the database, so there may be placed a longer text (mediumtext or longtext)
- make validation for add/edit CMS-block form, so that in case of field overflow, the validation error prevents incorrect data saving
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