Maintenance Panel Reinstall Bug [5.1.1]

Maintenance Panel Reinstall Bug [5.1.1]

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/83bee152f222e3b4#

I'm trying this in v511, but it happens for a long time, and I want to report it.

Install a website, and when it's running, relaunch maintenance panel via "core/install.php".

It'll ask you what to do. If you click on "reinstall inportal", you'll have on next page the DB configuration. If you select "Use existing In-Portal installation in this Database", and click next, then the actual DB is emptied, but you are redirected on maintenance login page, and now the system have obviously forgot your root password, and you'll need to sort the problem by yourself by removing manually config.php file to be able to do a clean install.

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