In-Portal 5.1.2 Beta 1 Released!

In-Portal 5.1.2 Beta 1 Released!

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-org/browse_thread/thread/5a85dca1a65305b5#

We are glad to announce that In-Portal 5.1.2 Beta 1 (and modules) has been released today on January 11, 2011 and available for immediate download. 

In-Portal 5.1.2 Beta 1 can be downloaded from:

  1. In-Portal Website -- http://www.in-portal.com/download.html
  2. In-Portal Repository -- http://source.in-portal.org/in-portal/releases/5.1.2-B1/

List of improvements and fixed bugs in 5.1.2 Beta 1 release can be found here: http://tracker.in-portal.org/search.php?project_id=1&status_id=80&sticky_issues=on&fixed_in_version=5.1.2-B1&sortby=last_updated&dir=DESC&hide_status_id=90

Please test this Beta release as much as possible and report all issues to Bugs Group ( http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs )