New In-Portal 5.0.3 is in Development

New In-Portal 5.0.3 is in Development

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/3ee315f03b69f77f#

Hello Team!

I am glad to announce that we have planned out next release in 5.0.x Branch. Just to remind everyone that last (3rd) number in Version indicates that release is targeted for bug fixes.

New In-Portal 5.0.3 release will address wide range of issues that affect all users so everyone is welcome to participate in Development and Testings.

The good news is that we already have about 80% of development completed and 20% to go. That means there is a lot of things that already waiting to be TESTED. You can use the following link to see all the Issues that will be addressed in 5.0.3


Preliminary date for 5.0.3 Alpha Release has been set for 1-Feb-2010, but why not to get it out of the door even sooner? Please make yourselves useful and help us by developing, testing and posting here your thoughts.