Separate module install doesn't create custom fields [5.2.1-RC1]

Separate module install doesn't create custom fields [5.2.1-RC1]

In-Portal modules can either be installed together with initial In-Portal setup or separately. Typical separate module install process looks like this:

  1. login as "root" to Admin Console
  2. go to "Configuration > Website > Modules" section
  3. click on "Ready to Install" link next to desired module in the list
  4. module gets installed (yeah, I know that no visual indication of that to end user)
  5. redirect to Catalog happens
  6. category cache rebuild progress bar shows

Recently I was installing In-Commerce module on existing project and I got 4h step I saw blank screen (something crashed I guess, but In-Commerce seems to be installed). It turned out later on that not all went as planned and custom fields were not created/populated. The In-Commerce has 3 set of custom fields:

Custom Fields TypePurpose
for the userto specify custom shipping on per-user basis
for the categoryto specify product detail template of Products category
for the productto specify Features and Availability

Without custom fields I've started to get Fatal Error right after I've created first product in catalog.


I was using Firefox to install In-Commerce. Seems that same operation in Google Chrome works just fine.

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