Question on Broken Sitemap [5.0.0]
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I am currently trying to fix up Sitemap feature in In-Portal 5.0.0 and have question on which tag we should be using to list out needed Sections:
1. <inp2:c_ListCategories render_as="sitemap_category_element" per_page="100" columns="1" direction="H" parent_cat_id="0" no_table="1"/>
This lists all Top level sections, however it won't list sub-sub-sections for some reason. In total there is an ability to list 5 level deep sections., but currently it only lists 2
2. <inp2:st_CachedMenu level="0" category_id="0" render_as="sitemap_category_element" />
This can be used to list Sections as they are in Top Level menu - basically all Data Sections, but this won't properly work by some reason too.