Prevent scheduled task execution during deployment [5.2.1]

Prevent scheduled task execution during deployment [5.2.1]

The scheduled tasks in In-Portal are used to perform various jobs (e.g. updating counters, caching things, sending e-mails) in background. This comes in handy if you want to perform some long operation (e.g. e-mail sending over SMTP) after user submits the form, but don't want to keep user waiting until that operation is complete.

Scheduled tasks can be executed in 2 modes:

  1. after script displays output to the user (default)
  2. via CRON on server

First option is default, because it guarantees scheduled task execution for cases, when user forgot to setup CRON properly after installing In-Portal.

Unfortunately the deployment process (the "adm:OnDeploy") event is considered as regular website visit and is also triggering scheduled task execution. I believe it should set some kind of marker to prevent scheduled task execution.

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