Minor Issue with duplicate Tracking Code in 5.0.3

Minor Issue with duplicate Tracking Code in 5.0.3

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/4ad09ef36328483a#

Hi guys,

There seems to be a minor issue with a duplicate <inp2:st_PageInfo type="tracking"/> tag in 5.0.3.

The history of this task goes to other task when we were updating/fixing Tracking code tags in 5.0.3 and looks like we end up with 2 of these codes in the final release, plus once 5.0.3 got merged into 5.1.0 - it ended up there as well.

Basically one tag is in the Default Design template and second one in Footer.elm one:

  1. http://source.in-portal.org/themes/advanced/releases/1.0.1/platform/designs/default_design.des.tpl?r1=12935&r2=13291
  2. http://source.in-portal.org/themes/advanced/releases/1.0.1/platform/elements/footer.elm.tpl?revision=13501&view=markup

The question is what is more practical place for it.

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