[in-commerce] Gift Certificate Sender Email Sent to Recipient [5.2.0-B2]

[in-commerce] Gift Certificate Sender Email Sent to Recipient [5.2.0-B2]

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/6307c9e1c5b1bbc8#


tested on v520b2:

  • create a gift certificate, with recipient email
  • activate certificate and click on "send email"
  • 2 emails are sent to recipient: expected one (you've received a gift) and sender's one (your gift have been sent)

Maybe it's time to explain in details how it works, because I wonder why we can't set gift's sender email, and I'd like to know if gifts could be bought directly from front, as a product.

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