Can't override Prefixes from Cloned Sub-Items [5.1.1-B2]
Can't override Prefixes from Cloned Sub-Items [5.1.1-B2]
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/74a223c49d76f348#
We have found a new bug related to customizing and extending default functionality of In-Portal.
The issue is there since 5.1.0 release where we have reworked the way of caching parsed Unit Configs. This change affects the ability to override Sub-Item Prefixes created by Cloning from the general Prefix. One of the examples is Catalog Item Images (prefix: img), Comments (formal reviews, prefix: rev), Files (prefix: file) and some others.
This is the error you would see:
Fatal error: Class 'ReviewsEventHandler' not found in .../modules/custom/units/sections/e_review_eh.php on line 4
I have came across this when upgraded custom code from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1-B2.