Bugs from In-Portal 5.2.1-B1 testing
Bugs from In-Portal 5.2.1-B1 testing
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/d6fe6172c46c6caa#
I've found following bugs during testing In-Portal 5.2.1-B1 install one a new project:
- When adding administrator in "Users Management -> Administrators" section window title shows "Add User" instead of "Add Administrator". Suspect that "User" word is all over that section phrases instead of "Administrator" word.
- After clean install category permission cache missing that results in all theme-related sections missing from "Structure & Data" section. That's why I need to use "Rebuild Section Cache" menu in that section to start working with "Structure & Data" section.
- Section "System Log", that was added under "System Logs" is visible in "simple" interface preset, but we have a rule, that all new sections are hidden by "simple" interface preset by default.
Related Tasks
- INP-1081Getting issue details... STATUS
- INP-1190Getting issue details... STATUS
- INP-1191Getting issue details... STATUS