Mod-rewrite url caching problem on 5.1.3
Mod-rewrite url caching problem on 5.1.3
Imported from: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/820ab730e1988a9b#
In-Portal parses each url on a front-end (when mod-rewrite is enabled) into a set of variables and stores them into cache.
However, when In-Portal encounters and url without theme/language specified (e.g. /english.html or /advanced.html) it:
- produces a warning, that m_lang or m_theme variable is undefined
- parsed url is cached without language/theme id specified resulting such cache not reset automatically on language/theme data change.
Attached patch is actually a copy-paste from 5.2.0, where this problem was fixed during large mod-rewrite system refactoring.
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